8 Things to Know About CECL Compliance: A Comprehensive Guide for Credit Unions

Sep 04, 2024 • Lending Software

CECL compliance, short for Current Expected Credit Loss, represents a significant shift in accounting standards that impacts financial institutions, including credit unions. Directed by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), CECL requires credit unions to incorporate expected future credit losses into their financial statements, ensuring a more proactive approach to credit risk management. In this comprehensive guide, we will cover everything you need to know about CECL compliance, from understanding its fundamentals to exploring effective solutions like CBS's ExRA tool.

1. Understand What CECL Compliance Is and Why It Matters

CECL is an accounting standard introduced by the FASB that mandates financial institutions to estimate and report expected credit losses over the life of their financial assets. Unlike the previous "incurred loss" model, CECL requires credit unions to anticipate potential future losses at the time of loan origination, providing a more forward-looking and comprehensive approach to risk management. This change helps regulators better understand potential credit loss exposures and prepare for financial crises.

2. Know the Types of Financial Instruments Affected by CECL

CECL applies to any financial instrument carried at amortized cost, which includes:

  • Loans held for investment
  • Net investment in leases
  • Held-to-maturity debt securities
  • Other receivables

This broad scope means that credit unions must evaluate a diverse range of assets and adjust their loss estimates frequently to comply with CECL. The goal is to ensure credit unions are prepared for potential losses across their entire portfolio.

3. Learn How CECL Changes Impact Credit Unions’ Financial Reporting

Credit unions must adhere to CECL compliance because it affects their ability to manage loan portfolios effectively and maintain regulatory approval. Under CECL, credit unions  must develop or outsource models forecasting  future credit losses. These models aggregate various data points to help credit unions and regulators understand future credit loss exposures. By doing so, credit unions can adjust their allowances and provisions accordingly, ensuring financial stability and compliance.

4. Explore Tools and Software Available for CECL Compliance

Given the complexity of CECL compliance, many credit unions turn to specialized software solutions to manage the process effectively. CECL compliance software helps automate data collection, modeling, and reporting, reducing the manual burden on credit union staff. CBS offers a leading CECL compliance solution called ExRA (Executive Risk Analytics), specifically designed for credit unions to forecast future credit losses accurately and efficiently.

5. Understand the Benefits of CBS’s ExRA Tool for CECL Compliance

CBS’s ExRA tool is a robust, all-in-one solution for CECL compliance, helping credit unions easily manage their credit loss forecasting. ExRA integrates seamlessly with a credit union's existing systems, offering tools for calculating reserves at the end of each month and creating a CECL model tailored to the credit union's specific portfolio needs.

With ExRA, credit unions can:

  • Develop and implement CBS’ CECL models
  • Calculate reserves based on current loan performance, delinquent loans, and potential future losses
  • Utilize integrated tools for managing risk, all while maintaining compliance with NCUA and FASB guidelines

By leveraging ExRA, credit unions can save time and resources while ensuring they meet all CECL compliance requirements. This tool provides a competitive edge by enabling better risk management and financial planning.

6. Know the Historical CECL Compliance Deadlines and Why They Matter Today

CECL compliance deadlines have already passed for all financial institutions. For public companies, CECL compliance became mandatory for fiscal years after December 15, 2019. For smaller reporting companies (SRCs) and non-public entities, the deadline was extended to fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2022.

Why is this important now? If your credit union has not yet complied with CECL standards, you are significantly behind the regulatory requirements. Understanding these historical deadlines is crucial because any delay in compliance could expose your institution to regulatory scrutiny and potential penalties.

It’s essential to act immediately to ensure compliance. CBS’s ExRA tool can help you catch up quickly and efficiently, bringing your credit union up to date with CECL requirements. Don’t delay—make sure your institution is fully compliant to avoid negative consequences.

7. Develop Effective Strategies for CECL Compliance

To effectively comply with CECL, credit unions should consider the following strategies:

  • Invest in Compliance Software: Tools like CBS’s ExRA can streamline compliance processes and improve accuracy.
  • Regular Model Updates: Update CECL models regularly to reflect the latest economic conditions and loan portfolio changes.
  • Staff Training: Ensure compliance officers and financial staff are well-versed in CECL requirements and best practices.
  • Scenario Analysis: Conduct multiple scenarios to understand potential outcomes and prepare for various financial situations.

8. Recognize CBS as a Strategic Partner for CECL Compliance

CBS provides the ExRA tool and acts as a strategic partner for credit unions navigating CECL compliance. With a long history in commercial lending through cycles like the Great Recession and COVID, CBS has a deep understanding of the regulatory landscape and extensive experience in credit union operations.  CBS offers tailored solutions that help credit unions manage risk, comply with regulations, and optimize financial performance.


CECL compliance is a critical aspect of modern financial management for credit unions, ensuring they can effectively anticipate and prepare for potential credit losses. By leveraging tools like CBS’s ExRA, credit unions can streamline their compliance efforts, reduce risks, and maintain regulatory approval. Stay ahead of the curve with CECL compliance to safeguard your institution’s financial health and stability.

Ready to optimize your credit union for CECL compliance? Contact CBS today to learn more about how our ExRA tool can simplify your compliance process and enhance your risk management strategy.

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